Loader waste collection

Wat ga je doen?

Don't like sitting still and enjoy working outdoors? Become a Belader on a rubbish truck and earn a good salary of €16.25 gross per hour! This job offers you the chance to be physically busy from Monday to Friday

As a loader, together with a driver and a fellow loader, you will drive the rubbish truck to collect waste and paper in the neighbourhood. The waste is packed in wheelie bins, bags or boxes. The working day starts early, the drivers leave at 06:45, and you finish work around 15:15. This gives you the whole evening free to do fun things.

Waar ga je werken?

Cure Afvalbeheer is a partnership of the Eindhoven, Geldrop-Mierlo and Valkenswaard regions. As a regional knowledge centre on waste and raw materials, we carry out projects for municipalities and provide policy advice.

Wie ben je?

  • VMBO working and thinking level
  • Full-time or part-time available

Wat mag je verwachten?

  • Hourly wage: €16.25
  • Extras: ADV allowance of €0.21/hour, daily subsistence allowance of €0.75, and laundry allowance of €0.24
  • Travel expenses: €0.23 per km
  • Holiday pay: 8%
  • Health: Free fruit and Cup-a-Soup
  • Payment: Weekly or monthly, at your choice

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Onze contactgegevens

Olympia Inhouse Cure Uitvoeringsdienst B.V. Eindhoven
Achtseweg Noord 45